7 Interesting Facts About Parasailing

Parasailing is one of the most exhilarating and memorable activities for tourists in Ft. Myers, Florida. After a long day of relaxing on the beach, you can take to the skies to watch an epic sunset. No trip to this part of the Sunshine State would be complete without a parasailing adventure. Unfortunately, many people aren’t familiar with this adrenaline-filled hobby. In order to encourage more tourists to partake in this exciting activity, here are seven interesting facts about parasailing.
1. Parasailing wasn’t created on purpose.
Although parasailing seems like a very deliberate activity, it was actually discovered on accident. Pierre Lamogine was the first person to attach a parachute to the back of a moving vehicle. This early form of the activity was designed to train individuals in parachute control and safe landings. Using a car was a much more economical solution than using a plane multiple times.
2. Parasailing comes in many different forms.
There are many different kinds of parasailing. Parasailers have the ability to be towed by a boat or a vehicle. Participants can either start on the boat or on a beach. A boat has become the most popular place to start due to safer conditions and easier liftoff. When using this method, participants are strapped to the boat via a winch and cable. The hydraulic winch is capable of controlling the parasailer’s distance from the boat. This method allows for greater control.
3. The activity has different names.
Although parasailing is the most popular name for the activity, there are many alternative titles. The sport is also known as parakiting and parascending. The term parakiting has derived because the activity is similar to flying a kite. Parascending simply refers to the ascension that parasailers make during the beginning of the activity.
4. The original canopy design.
Before the creation of an official parasailing canopy, participants used normal parachutes that were being used for other activities. Although these alternatives worked fine, an issue with absorbing too much moisture arose. In 1974, Brian Gaskin invented the first canopy specifically designed for parasailing. With this revolutionary parachute, participants could stay in the air longer. The canopy was able to withstand moisture to a greater degree than standard parachutes of the time.
5. Parasailing is dependent on the weather.
Although a nice boat and reliable canopy are important factors contributing to a parasailing experience, this activity is more dependent upon weather conditions. The ideal parasailing flight will see winds ranging from 12 to 27 miles per hour. When waves are strong and winds are unreliable, a parasailing adventure can actually be dangerous. Most parasailing companies will only operate on days with ideal weather. Fortunately, Ft. Myers sees excellent conditions throughout the year.
6. Parasailing isn’t technically a sport.
Although parasailing is normally considered a sport, it is technically a leisure activity instead. Sports require skill, dexterity, and a lot of practice. There are hardly any physical requirements for the activity of parasailing. Participants can simply relax in a comfortable seat while the canopy raises them into the air. Anyone can participate in this activity.
7. It was used during World War II.
Parasailing was actually used during World War II. Unfortunately, this activity wasn’t used to offer soldiers a break from the fighting. Instead, submarines pulled individuals behind them in order to gain a higher vantage point over the battlefield.
Now that you have learned more about this leisure activity, it is time to decide whether it is something that sounds like fun. Looking for a fun, professional, and safe Fort Myers Beach parasailing adventure? Call us today to book a trip soon!